Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Dear Nanny

Well its just you and me in the house today all the kids are at school and Daniel has gone to work.I have been thinking about you all night nanny, I had to ask mum if the last time l saw you was before or after the twin s party because the guilt of me not talking to you on the phone that day is eating me up. I am so sorry nanny l guess l thought it didn't matter at the time cos theres always tomorrow but now l know sometimes tomorrow never comes.I wish l could see you again even just one last time to tell you l love you.

I don't understand why life goes on when someone like you has gone you don't deserve to be dead, you had such a big family who loves you. You will live on in our hearts and someone says if you live on in our hearts you will never be dead. Emmerdale was on the other day and l know you loved your soaps. Grayson came back with a gun and all l could think was that you saw the first part of that story but you will never know the second bit. I can't do anything at the moment without thinking of you nanny. I cry at the slightest thing. I will never forgive robert for robbing us of you. He wallowed in self pity while you were dying. When you went into Milton keynes still he didn't wake up. I hate him for what he did. I hate him for what he is a pathetic excuse for a man.

My diet didn't go to well yesterday l mucked it up nan. Del has took the key to the sweet cuboard to work with him so that should help. I will let you know later. I have to rescue it before its to late. You know my saying its like a winter coat "off in the summer on in the winter"!! I love you nan i still see you standing in front of me. You were so happy at Jaynes wedding, Why did he have to destroy you? you gave your whole life for that pig and his family and he destroyed you.
The only thing good about the fact that he lives while you are dead that his guilt will torment him for ever. Every day when he wakes up in that house he will be reminded of what he had and lost. I miss you nanny.

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